第 6 课:上百人被感染-2

There are no cures, but researchers continue to learn more about how the feared virus works. 目前此病还不能被治愈,但是科学家正对此病的工作原理进行深入研究。

It was named for the Ebola River in the former Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo. 这种病是以在前扎伊尔共和国的伊波拉河而命名的。

A doctor in Zaire, Ngoy Mushola, documented the first outbreak in nineteen seventy- six. Ngoy Mushola是伊波拉的一名医生,他在十九世纪第上书了此病的第一次爆发。

Hundreds of people were infected, and most died. 上百人被感染了,并且大部分都死了。

The epidemic might have been even worse had it not been for the father of the actress Glenn Close. 这种流行病也许会更严重如果它没在演员Glenn Close父亲的身上发生。

Doctor William Close, an American, worked in Zaire for sixteen years. 美国籍医生William Close在伊波拉工作了十六年。