第 6 课:上百人被感染-5

Medical workers were given protective clothing. Equipment was carefully disinfected. 医疗工作者都有防护衣。各种设备也被消毒。

After his work in Africa, William Close returned to the United States. William Close 结束了他在非洲的工作就回到了美国。

He became a country doctor, as he had always wanted. 他如愿的成为了一名美国医生。

He was still working in Big Piney, Wyoming, when he died of a heart attack on January fifteenth. 一月十五日由于心脏病突发,他在自己工作的地方美国怀俄明州的Big Piney离开了。

He was eighty-four years old. Joel Breman says, "Doctor Close left his mark on the world." 他享年85岁。 Joel Breman说Close医生永远活在这个世界上。