第 60 课:海岸的海盗-1

Kenya wants to organize a major international conference to discuss how to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia. 肯尼亚政府想组织一次大型国际会议,讨论如何驱除索马里海岸的海盗行为。

The conference may also deal with ways to rescue Somalia from seventeen years of civil war. 会议也可能会处理将索马里从17年的内战解救出来的方法。

More than forty percent of its people depend on food aid. 在这里40%多国民依靠外界食物供给。

Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula says the world cannot end piracy without also dealing with Somalia's political problems. 肯尼亚外交部长Moses Wetangula说,不解决索马里的政治问题是不能终止海盗行为的。

He says the piracy is partly born out of a "collective failure" to solve the problems of Somalia. 他还说海盗行为一定程度上是由解决索马里问题集体失败而引起的。