第 60 课:海岸的海盗-5

They are believed to be holding seventeen ships with about three hundred crew members. 据说他们持有17艘船只,大约300名船员。

Among the ships is a Ukrainian vessel hijacked in September with a load of military weapons including tanks. 这其中的一艘载有坦克在内的军用武器的乌克兰轮船在今年9月份被劫持。

The increase in piracy is raising the cost of insuring ships. 海上犯罪的增加也使得投保船只的费用增加。

Also, oil from the Middle East and exports from East Asia could take longer to arrive. 而且中东和中亚出口的石油需要长时间才能运送到达。

Some of the world's heaviest shipping traffic passes the Somali coast. 虽然一些世界上最繁忙的水运交通都经过索马里海岸。