第 61 课:国会少数党-1

The most commonly heard advice for Barack Obama when he becomes president in January is to "govern from the center." 明年一月奥巴马就职总统的时候,最普遍听到的意见就是“从中间路线进行管理”。

In Washington, that means reaching out to the minority party in Congress to seek common ground. 在华盛顿,那意味着要尝试与国会少数党派接触,寻找共同点。

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of those who says Mister Obama will have to listen to all sides -- from liberal to conservative -- but stay centered. 民主党众议院院长Nancy Pelosi(南希洛佩西)是少数派中的一员。她说,奥巴马会听取来自保守主义者和自由主义者的各方面的意见,但是他保持中立。

The Republicans have been in the minority in Congress for the last two years. 在过去的两年里,共和党一直是国会中的少数派。

Last week's elections brought more losses in both Houses, plus the White House. 上个星期的选举给众议院和参议院都带来了更多的损失,还要加上白宫。