第 61 课:国会少数党-5

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, the son of Indian immigrants, is a rising star in the party. 路易斯安那州州长Bobby Jindal是印第安移民的后代,他是这个党派中一颗冉冉升起的明星。

So is Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty. But one person some Republicans are looking to for the future is the governor of Alaska. 明尼苏达州的州长Tim Pawlenty也是如此。但是一些共和党人为将来而正在寻找的人却是阿拉斯加的州长。

Sarah Palin, John McCain's choice for vice president, says she has not ruled out running for president in four years. 麦凯恩的副总统候选人莎拉帕林。她说她不排除在四年内竞选总统的可能性,

She has strong support among social conservatives. 因为她在社会保守人士中有着强大的支持。

But winning over moderate Republicans and independent voters will mean having to aim more for the center. 但是把温和态度的民主党人和独立选民争取过来将意味着不得不更多的致力于中立路线。