第 63 课:大选活动-1

The American presidential candidates are in the final weekend of campaigning for the elections on Tuesday. 美国总统候选者们将迎来在星期二举行大选活动的最后一周。

Barack Obama's lead has narrowed but most opinion polls still point his way. 虽然巴拉克.奥巴马的领先地位已经下降了,但是大多数的民意选票还是指向他的。

The Democrat hopes to win states that voted for President Bush. 民主党希望赢得曾经为布什总统投票的一些州。

These include big states like Ohio and Florida that John McCain must win if he has any chance for victory. 这些州包括像俄亥俄和福罗里达一样的大州,如果约翰.麦凯恩有胜选的任何机会,他必须赢得这些大州。

Both candidates have campaign workers and volunteers making calls and going door-to-door in neighborhoods to spread their message. 所有的候选人都有竞选工作人员和志愿者,他们打电话或者挨家挨户拜访来散布竞选者的讯息。