第 63 课:大选活动-2

In political campaigns this is called the ground war. Broadcast advertising is the air war. 这种做法在政治运动中叫做地面战争,而播放广告则成为空中战争。

Another kind of advertising, and one that is often criticized, especially during mealtimes, is the robocall. 另一种广告形式是Robocall,经常受到人们的批评,特别是在进餐时间。

Robocalls are recorded telephone messages -- like this one paid for by the McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee. Robocall是录制下来的电话留言----就像是下面的由麦凯恩竞选和共和党全国委员会支付的电话留言一样。

Barack Obama and the Democrats have their own robocalls. 奥巴马和民主党也有他们自己的Robocall。

The Campaign for Change, a project of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, paid for this one: 威斯康星州的民主党的“为改变而竞选”的计划支付他们的电话留言: