第 63 课:大选活动-4

The presidential campaign has also produced the highest ratings in years for the NBC comedy show "Saturday Night Live." 总统大选也为NBC喜剧秀节目“周六夜现场”造就了多年的最高的收视率。

Tina Fey has gotten big laughs playing Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for vice president. Tina Fey也在假扮竞选副总统的共和党候选人,阿拉斯加的州长Sarah Palin时得到了(观众的)捧腹大笑。

Two weeks ago, the real Sarah Palin was on the show. 两周前,真正的Sarah Palin参加了节目。

She came on stage while the fake one was giving a "news conference." 她上舞台的时候假的Sarah Palin正在开"新闻发布会"。