第 65 课:什么也不做-5

An employer usually does not object to being called boss. 雇主通常不反对被称作为老板。

But most workers would not call their employers big cheeses , top brass or brass hats to their faces. 但是大部分工人不会当着雇主的面叫他们 big cheese , top brass 或者 brass hat 。

These words are not really insulting. But neither do they show great respect. 这些单词实际上不是侮辱性的,但是也没有表示大的尊敬。

Employers also have expressions to describe their workers. One of them that describe a good worker is that he or she works like a Trojan . 雇主们也有描述工人的措辞。其中之一形容好工作者的就是:他 / 她工作起来就像 Trojan 一样。