第 67 课:产生蜡状物-6

But if irrigation fails, the best thing to do is to go to a health care provider for professional assistance. 但是如果水洗法失败了,最好去找卫生保健提供者寻求专业帮助。

You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal. 绝不可以把棉拭子或者其他东西放进耳道里。

But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear. 但是你可以用拭子或者布料清洁外耳部分。

The experts agree with the old saying that you should never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. 专家认为一句老话说的有道理:不要把任何小于你肘部的东西放进耳朵里。