第 68 课:医学研究机构-4

Right now, the Obama team is looking at executive orders signed by President Bush. 目前,奥巴马团队正在检查不是签署的执行法令。

Those that conflict with Mister Obama's positions could be canceled or amended. 那些与奥巴马立场相抵触的法令将会被取消或者修订。

One area being looked at is stem cell research. Stem cells can grow into any kind of tissue in the body. 其中一个被审查的领域就是干细胞的研究。干细胞可以生长成身体任何组织。

President Bush has restricted federal support for research on embryonic stem cells because of his beliefs about protecting life. 由于布什总统关于保护生命的信念,他已经限制对胚胎干细胞研究的联邦支持。

Others say the embryos would be destroyed anyway because they are unused embryos from fertility clinics. 一些人说胚胎无论如何都会被毁掉,因为它们(指胚胎)是生育诊所没有用过的胚胎。

Mister Obama says the research may lead to improved treatments for Alzheimer's disease and other conditions. 奥巴马先生说,这项研究也许会带来更好的治疗阿尔茨海默氏病和其他身体状况的方法。