第 68 课:医学研究机构-5

He says other treatments being studied are not substitutes for research on embryonic stem cells. 他还说,其他正在研究的治疗方法不会成为胚胎干细胞研究的替代品。

He has called for expanded federal support. 奥巴马已经要求扩大联邦支持了。

Doctor Zerhouni told Congress last year that he thought the limits were interfering with research. Zerhouni博士去年曾告诉国会,他认为这种限制一直干扰着研究。

Political appointees have to resign when the administration changes in January. 当明年一月美国总统任期内的政府改变时,政治性任命的官员不得不辞职。

But Elias Zerhouni says he left before the election so the next president would have to start thinking early about N.I.H. 但是Elias Zerhouni说,他在总统大选之前离开研究院就是想让下届总统不得不提早开始考虑研究院的事情。

He says he wants to work on writing projects and explore other professional opportunities. 他说,他想从事写作项目并且探寻其他专业机会。