第 7 课:朝鲜与美国-2

The surprise visit came at a time when the United States and other countries have been putting more pressure on North Korea. 当美国和其他国家给朝鲜施加更多压力时,突然造访应时而生。

They increased economic actions against North Korea after it launched missiles and tested a nuclear device. 在朝鲜发射导弹和核武器试验后,这些行为加剧了反抗朝鲜的经济行动。

The North also withdrew from six-nation talks on nuclear disarmament. 朝鲜也从有关核裁军的“六方会谈”中退出了。

All this happened since January, when President Obama took office. 所有这些均发生在一月后,也正是奥巴马总统执政之后。

Peter Brookes is an Asia-Pacific expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. 皮特 . 布鲁克斯是一位华盛顿市美国传统基金会的亚太地区专家。

He says Mister Clinton's visit could be seen as the United States softening its policy on North Korea. 他说,克林顿先生的造访可以被视为美国对朝政策的温和化。