第 7 课:朝鲜与美国-3

But Dennis Wilder of the Brookings Institution in Washington says the United States had no choice. 但是华盛顿布鲁克斯研究所的丹尼斯 . 威尔德则称,美国别无选择。

The former president went with the approval of the Obama administration. 这趟前总统之行获得了奥巴马政府的批准。

But Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says her husband's trip was not an official visit. 但是国务卿希拉里 . 克林顿说,她丈夫的出访并不是官方正式访问。

President Obama spoke about the two women shortly after they met with their families at an airport near Los Angeles. 奥巴马总统在这两名女子与家人于洛杉矶附近的飞机场见面的不久后,他谈到了她们。

But critics say the United States gave North Korea the two things it demanded. 但是批评家说,美国给了朝鲜两样它所要求之物。

One was a high-level visit. The other was an apology for the illegal entry. 一样是高层访问。另一样是对非法入境的致歉。