第 7 课:朝鲜与美国-4

Secretary Clinton gave that apology last month: 国务卿希拉里 . 克林顿上月做出了道歉:

There are no diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States. 朝鲜与美国没有建立外交关系。

The last time an American official visited the North was nine years ago during Mister Clinton's presidency. 上一次美国官员访问朝鲜的时间是在 9 年前克林顿先生的执政期。

Observers say North Korea is attempting to reconnect with the United States now that it has a new president. 观察员称,由于美国出现的新总统,朝鲜正在试图与其再度联系。

The international community will be watching and waiting to see what happens next. 国际社会将会对接下来发生的事情拭目以待。

The secretary of state also traveled this week. 本周国务卿也出访了。