第 7 课:朝鲜与美国-5

She began an eleven-day trip to Africa. 她开始了对非洲的 11 天之旅。

Secretary Clinton arrived in Kenya Tuesday for talks with that country's leaders. 周二国务卿希拉里 . 克林顿抵达了肯尼亚,开展与该国首脑的谈话。

She also met with the leader of Somalia and expressed support for its Transitional Federal Government. 她也与索马里领导会晤并表示了对其“过渡联邦政府”的支持。

She warned Eritrea to end its support for groups fighting to control Somalia. 她警告厄立特里亚停止其对控制索马里的战斗队的支持。

Next she traveled to South Africa. 接下来她将出访南非。

Her trip also includes stops in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde. 她的出访停靠点也包括了安哥拉,刚果,尼日利亚,利比里亚和佛得角。