Common carp are a popular choice for a fish farm. 鲤鱼是受养鱼场欢迎的一个选择。
You could also raise tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. 你也可以饲养吴郭鱼,鲶鱼,石斑鱼,奶鱼,鳗鱼或者其他鱼类,这取决于你居住的方。
Some fish are harvested once a year; other kinds can be harvested throughout the year. 有些鱼每年收获一次的,有的则是全年都可以收获。 Biologist Martin Schreibman hopes more people will raise their own fish. 生物学家Martin Schreibman希望更多的人饲养自己的鱼。
He started the Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn College in New York. 他在纽约布鲁克林学院创建了水产研究和环境评估中心。