第 76 课:多场雪暴-2

Such blizzards are common in the area known as the Great Plains of South Dakota and North Dakota. 这样的暴风雪在被称为南达科他州和北达科他州的大平原的地区是很常见的。

Minnesota also got hit. Temperatures were far below freezing. 明尼苏达州也遭到侵袭。温度远远低于 冻结温度。

And the wind has made the snow blow so hard and fast that it was sometimes impossible to see. 此外强风已使雪吹的如此之强和迅速,以至于有时候无法看到(远处)。

In the northeastern United States, people are facing another kind of winter problem. 美国东北部,人们正面临另一种冬季问题。

Last week, the New England states were hit by a terrible ice storm. 上周新英格兰州遭受剧烈冰暴袭击。