第 77 课:拯救美国宝藏-3

A year later, it flew as bombs and rockets burst over Baltimore Harbor. 一年后,旗帜飞扬在炸弹和导弹爆炸的巴尔的摩海港上空。

In nineteen twelve, the flag was given to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. 在1912年,旗帜赠与华府史密森学会。

One hundred years of wear and tear showed on the flag. 百年的磨损出现在旗帜上。

Restoration expert Amelia Fowler sewed a material backing onto the flag to make it stronger for hanging. 复原专家阿米莉亚福勒把垫片材料缝到了旗帜上,使得它在悬挂的时候更加牢固。

The flag was hung in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in nineteen sixty-four. 1964年旗帜挂在了史密斯苏聂美国国家博物馆。