第 78 课:迈克乔丹-3

He was recognized as the NBA's most valuable player five times during the regular season. 他5次获得NBA最有价值球员称号。

Michael Jordan became famous for the way he jumped through the air to score points. 乔丹因他跳投得分方式而闻名。

This skill earned him the nicknames "Air Jordan" and "His Airness." 这个技术为他赢得了“飞人乔丹”和“空中传奇”的绰号。

Jordan also became known around the world for appearing in advertisements for companies including Nike, Gatorade and Coca Cola. 乔丹也因出现在包括耐克、给他力、和可口可乐公司的广告上而闻名世界。

Michael Jordan also won gold medals in nineteen eighty-four and nineteen ninety-two representing the United States basketball team during the summer Olympic Games. 在1984年和1992年夏季奥运会上,乔丹代表美国篮球队也赢得了金牌。