第 79 课:遭受剧烈头疼-4

Doctor Edelman noted that in a severe outbreak this year in Brazil, so many people got sick that hospitals in Rio de Janeiro state had to close. Edelman 博士指出,在今年巴西的一次严重登革热疫病爆发中,过多的患者迫使里约热内卢关闭了当地医院。

The army set up field hospitals in April and doctors came from other areas to help treat patients. 4 月,军方设立了野战医院与从其他地区赶来的医生一起对患者进行治疗。

In Vietnam, health officials say patients have sometimes had to share hospital beds because of large numbers of cases. 有卫生部门官员称,在越南,由于患者众多,一些病人不得不与他人共用病床。

The W.H.O. says dengue is spreading to new areas and producing major outbreaks. 世界卫生组织称,登革热正在向新的区域传播并且造成大面积暴发流行。

Venezuela, for example, reported more than eighty thousand cases last year. 以委内瑞拉为例,去年的暴发就有超过 8 万的病例。