Every day, more than 2,000 children worldwide die from accidental injury. 全世界每天有超过 2000 名儿童死于意外伤害。
Each year, as many as three million children are saved from one leading cause of child death, drowning. 每一年,有三百万之多的溺水儿童获救,溺死是儿童死亡的首要原因之一。
Yet, survivals can suffer brain damage. 但是生还者仍然可能遭受大脑损伤。
As a result, the lifetime health and economic cost of a non-fatal drowning are the highest on average of any kind of injury. 结果是,其终身的医疗保健投入及经济损失在所有伤害中是最高的。
These are among the findings in the world report on child injury prevention. 以上内容发表在儿童伤害预防全球报告的研究结论中。