第 82 课:急救措施-5

It can also cause a dangerously abnormal heartbeat. 同时还可能导致危险的非正常心跳。

Adrienne Freeman says the process of "rewarming" a person needs to be done slowly, in a hospital setting. Adrienne Freeman 说让一个人“回暖”的过程应该在具备医疗设施的条件下缓慢地进行。

She says something else to keep in mind is that a hypothermia victim may seem dead but still be alive. 另外一些需要谨记在心的事情是低温过低的受害者可能看上去像已经死亡了,其实他们还活着。

An extremely low body temperature can cause the heart to beat so slowly that a pulse may be difficult to find. 极其低的体温可能导致心脏跳动非常缓慢,以至于难以感觉到脉搏。

Ranger Freeman says members of search and rescue teams have a saying that victims are not dead until they are warm and dead. 护林人 Freeman 说,搜救小组成员间流传着一种说法,在受害者身体回暖前的死亡,并不是真的死亡。