第 83 课:公共场所禁烟令-1

More than twenty of the fifty American states ban smoking in public places. 美国50个州中有超过 25 个颁布了公共场所禁烟令。

Many other states have partial bans. And many local governments have their own restrictions. 另外还有许多其他州也颁布了部分场所禁烟令。同时还有许多当地政府颁布的限制条令。

A new study has found the strongest evidence yet that smoke-free laws can reduce a major effect of tobacco -- heart disease. 一项新的研究提供了强有力的证据证明禁烟法令能够减少吸烟的一项重要后果——心脏病的发病率。

The study took place in Pueblo, Colorado. In July of two thousand three that city banned smoking in public places and workplaces. 这个研究选在科罗拉多的普韦布洛进行。 2003 年 7 月,这个城市颁布了在公共场所及办公场所的禁烟令。

In the year and a half before the ban, hospitals had three hundred ninety-nine admissions for heart attacks. 在禁烟令颁布的前一年半里,当地医院确诊了 399 例心脏病发作病例。