In a similar period starting eighteen months after the ban, the number was two hundred thirty-seven. 而在禁令颁布 18 个月后,心脏病发作的同期确诊病例数为 237。
That was a decrease of forty-one percent. 下降了 41% 。
The study found that heart attack admissions have continued to fall. 这个研究发现心脏病的确诊病例数在持续下降。
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report on the findings. 疾病预防控制中心发布了关于这项研究结果的相关报告。
C.D.C. official Janet Collins says breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on a person's heart-and-lung system. 疾控中心官员 Janet Collins 称,吸入二手烟会对人体的心肺系统产生即时的有害影响。