第 83 课:公共场所禁烟令-4

When you smoke, he says, dangerous matter from tobacco smoke gets into your hair and clothing. 当你吸烟时,他说,有害物质从烟里散发出来,沾染头发和衣服。

Then, when you come into contact with a baby, the baby comes into contact with those toxins. 接着,当你接触孩子时,孩子就会接触到这些有害物质。

The researchers did a study of adult beliefs about the possibility of health risks to children from third-hand smoke. 研究者们进行的一个针对成年人的研究使他们相信“三手烟”会对儿童的健康造成威胁。

People who agreed that environmental smoke was harmful to children's health were more likely to have restrictions on smoking in their homes. 有些人相信环境中的残留烟雾会损害孩子的健康,这些人很有可能在家里也禁烟。

The findings appear this month in the journal Pediatrics. 这些研究结果发布在本月的《儿科学》杂志。