第 84 课:有关智齿-5

The removal of wisdom teeth is performed by oral surgeons. 智齿的拔除手术由口腔外科医生进行。

They say if removal is advised, the best time to do it is before the teeth cause any problems or pain. 他们说,拔除智齿的最好时机是在这个牙齿尚未引起问题或者造成疼痛之前。

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons says young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal. 美国口腔和上颚面外科手术协会称年轻人是拔除智齿的最佳人选。

The group says older patients may be at greater risk for disease in the tissue surrounding the molars. 该组织表示,年长的病人们进行拔除手术的话,磨牙周围组织患病的风险要大很多。

Patients can have general anesthesia during the operation. 病人们可以在手术时进行全身麻醉。