第 86 课:情感的生意-1

Politics is an emotional business. Still, many people found themselves unusually moved by the historic presidential inauguration last week in Washington. 政治是一项情感的生意。上星期在华盛顿,许多人发现自己被这次历史性的总统就职典礼异乎寻常地感动了。

Watching the huge crowds, we saw laughter, cheers, hugs -- but also many tears. 人潮涌动中,我们看到了笑容、欢呼、拥抱——但也看到了许多泪水。

It made us wonder, why do people cry? Surely tears must be good for us -- a way to calm the mind and cleanse the body. 这让我们迷惑了,人们为什么哭呢?当然眼泪肯定对我们有好处——哭泣是一个冷静心智和净化身体的途径。

Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse. 但研究表明哭泣有时也会让人感觉更糟糕。

Three researchers in Florida and the Netherlands recently looked more deeply into the subject. 佛罗里达和荷兰的三位研究者最近深入地研究了这个课题。