第 87 课:骨骼断裂-2

Still another condition is called a bowing fracture. 另外还有一种状况被称为弓形骨折。

This happens with a bone that bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children. 这种情况发生时,骨头被弯曲了,但并未断裂,大多在儿童身上发生。

Ever heard of a greenstick fracture? This is when a bone is bent and breaks along only one side, like a young stick of wood. 你是否听说过青枝骨折?这是指当骨头被弯曲了,仅在骨头的一边发生撕裂的情形,就像树木的嫩枝一样。

Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture. 另外还有一种骨折称为开放性骨折或者复杂性骨折。

This is when the bone breaks the skin. This is very serious. 发生时受损的骨头刺破皮肤。这种情况非常严重。