第 87 课:骨骼断裂-3

Along with the bone damage there is a risk of infection in the open wound. 伴随骨头损伤的是开放伤口处存在的感染风险。

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone. 躯体对诸如骨折之类伤害的反应表现为许多状况。

You might suddenly feel lightheaded. You might also feel sick to your stomach. 你可能会突然感觉到头晕眼花,也可能会反胃。

People who are seriously injured can go into shock. 重伤的人可能会发生休克。

They might feel cold, dizzy and unable to think clearly. 他们会感觉冷、眩晕、不能清晰地思考。