第 88 课:偏头痛-2

Many migraine sufferers say hot weather and low barometric pressure can act as triggers. 许多偏头痛患者称天气热和低气压也可能成为诱因。

But researchers say they did not have much scientific evidence of that -- until now. 但是研究者们称并没有太多的科学证据能证明以上说法——至少到目前还没有。

In a new study, a team examined the medical records of seven thousand hospital patients. 在一项新的研究中,一个研究小组对 7000 例住院患者的病例记录进行了研究。

The patients had visited the emergency room at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, because of a headache. 这些患者都因头痛而前往马赛诸塞州波士顿的 Beth Israel Deaconess 医疗中心急诊室就诊。

More than two thousand of them had been found to have a migraine. 他们中间有超过 2000 人患有偏头痛。