第 9 课:美国体育课受伤事件-1

Last week, we discussed a new study of injuries in physical education classes in American schools. 上周,我们讨论了一份关于美国体育课受伤事件的新研究。

The number of students taken to hospitals increased one and a half times from nineteen ninety-seven to two thousand seven. 1997-2007年间,被送去医院的学生人数增加了1.5倍。

Few injuries were serious. Then why treat them at emergency rooms? 仅有少数伤势严重。那为什么还要在急症室里治疗呢?

One possible reason: a shortage of school nurses. 一个可能的原因是:学校医护人员的短缺。

Amy Garcia agrees with that. She is the executive director of the National Association of School Nurses. Amy Garcia同意以上观点。她是全美学校护士协会的执行理事。