第 9 课:美国体育课受伤事件-2

She says federal guidelines call for one nurse for every seven hundred fifty healthy students. 她说,联邦政策方针要求每750名健康的学生必须配有一名护士。

In reality, she says, the number is more like one for every one thousand one hundred. 她说,事实上更准确的数字是每1100名学生配有一名护士。

Every state is different. The association says Vermont has one nurse for every two hundred seventy-five students. 每个州的情况也是不一样的。该协会称,佛蒙特州每275名学生配有一名护士。

In Utah, which has a bigger population, each nurse is responsible for almost five thousand students. 在人口数目更大的犹他州,每一名护士要负责几乎5000名学生的健康问题。

The recession may have reduced a national nursing shortage; health care is one industry that has kept hiring. 经济衰退可能已经减缓了全国医护人员的短缺;卫生保健是保持就业率的一个行业。