第 9 课:美国体育课受伤事件-3

But experts predict that the shortage will grow again. 但是专家们预测这个短缺还会再次加剧。

Another problem for schools is limited budgets. 另一个问题是学校有限的经费预算。

Nurses often have to split their time at different schools. 护士们经常不得不抽出时间去不同的学校。

And not all schools employ registered nurses. 也并不是所有的学校都只招聘注册护士。

An R.N. must have at least a two-year nursing degree. 一名 R.N.护士必须要有至少两年制的护理学学位。

The Labor Department says registered nurses earned an average of sixty-five thousand dollars last year. 劳工部说,注册护士上一年的平均工资为65,000美元。