第 92 课:能量饮料-5

The team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine published a report in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学系的研究小组在《药物与酒精依赖》杂志上发表了一份报告。

They suggested better labeling with the amount of caffeine and other ingredients clearly listed on the drink. 他们建议在饮料外包装上更好的标明咖啡因以及其他原料的含量。

The researchers are continuing to study energy drinks. 研究人员们开始进一步研究能量饮料。

They are currently seeking young people who have had a bad experience after drinking them. 他们目前在搜集资料,寻找那些喝了能量饮料以后有不好的经历的年轻人。