第 93 课:制作肥皂-2

Be very careful. Lye can cause serious burns. It can also blind a person if it gets into the eyes. 要特别小心哦,碱能造成严重的灼伤。如果不小心弄到眼睛里,还可能造成失明。

Do not breathe lye and do not let small children near it. 千万不要吸入碱,也不要让小孩子靠近它。

And do not store lye in containers made of aluminum. The lye will eat through the metal. 也不要用铝制的容器储存碱液,碱液会腐蚀这种金属。

But the owner of a soap making business in California says on her blog that there is no lye present in the finished soap. 但是加州的一个肥皂制造商在她的博客中说,在成品肥皂中,是没有碱存在的。

Diane Longacre says the lye and oil molecules combine and chemically change into soap and glycerin. Diane Longacre 说,碱和油脂分子结合,经过化学反应,最终形成肥皂和甘油。