第 97 课:失败了的项目-1

Last week we told you about FAILFaire, an event where people talk about international development projects that failed. 上周我们向您讲述了 FAILFaire ,一个人们谈论失败了的国际发展项目的活动。

Many of these projects started as good ideas. 这些失败了的项目中有一些起初的创意很好。

Others had some level of success, but not enough to have a measurable effect on the lives of people in developing countries. 也有些比较成功,但还不足以对发展中国家人们的生活带来重要影响。

A nonprofit group in New York called MobileActive held the first FAILFaire earlier this year. MobileActive ,纽约的非盈利团体,于今年早些时候举办了首届 FAILFaire 。

MobileActive is made up of people and organizations that use technology to try to improve the lives of the poor. 该团体由那些试图通过科技改善穷人生活的人们和组织构成。