第 97 课:失败了的项目-2

Katrin Verclas came up with the idea for FAILFaire as a way to help nonprofit groups improve by learning from the mistakes of others. Katrin Verclas 提出了通过学习他人错误来帮助 FAILFaire 进步的想法。

Katrin Verclas says there are many reasons why projects fail, but one reason tops all others. She says development projects are not "one size fits all," yet many people try to import ideas as if they were. Katrin Verclas 表示项目失败的原因有很多,但最主要的原因在于这些项目不能满足全部需求,然而许多人试图墨守成规。

What they fail to consider, she says, is the desires of the local people or their cultural, economic and political differences. 他们没有想到的是当地人们的需要,或文化、经济和政治的差异。

She says the problem for many nongovernmental organizations and other groups is simply not knowing their audience. 她表示许多非政府组织和团体的问题在于没有了解他们的观众。