第 98 课:预防自杀日-2

The World Health Organization says that every year about one million people kill themselves. 世界健康组织表示,每年约有 100 万人自杀。

It says suicide is one of the top three causes of death among people between the ages of fifteen and forty-four. 这已经成为导致 15-44 岁人群死亡的前三位原因中的一个。

Among people age ten to twenty-four, suicide is the second leading cause of death, after road accidents. 10-24 岁群体,自杀是继交通事故之后排名第二的死亡原因。

Lanny Berman is president of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. He points out that suicide rates differ from country to country, as do common ways that people kill themselves. 国际预防自杀协会主席 Lanny Berman 指出:每个国家的自杀率各不相同,但自杀的方式却是相同的。

As a result, he says, prevention efforts must fit with local needs. 他表示预防自杀必须适应当地需要。