第 9 课

l hope you can get your money back. 你的刺青根本不管用
l don't think l can do this. 我想我做不了男人
lt's all attitude. Be tough, like this guy here. 你要有信心 学这个人耍狠

What are you lookin' at ? 呸! 看什么看?
Punch him. lt's how men say hello. 扁他,男人都这样打招呼
Oh, Yao, you've made a friend. 阿尧,你交了朋友哦
Good. Now slap him on the behind. They like that. 打他屁股 他们最爱这套
l'm gonna hit you so hard, it'll make your ancestors dizzy. 我要给你一巴掌 包你老祖宗都叫头昏
Yao, relax and chant with me. 阿尧,放轻松,跟我念

Feel better ? 好点了吗?
Yeah. Ahh, you ain't worth my time. 有 好吧,胆小鬼,我就放过你
Chicken boy. Chicken boy ? 胆小鬼?
Say that to my face, ya limp noodle ! 有种当我面说,低能懦夫

Hey, guys. 弟兄们
The Huns have struck here, here and here. 匈奴攻下这儿 这儿和这儿
l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass... 我要带主力军到同萧关
and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village. 阻止单于摧毁这个村庄
Excellent strategy, sir. 好高明的战术
l do love surprises. [ Chuckling ] 我很喜欢这份惊喜

You will stay and train the new recruits. 你留下来训练新兵
When Chi Fu believes you're ready, you will join us, Captain. 等赐福的命令再赶来 校尉

Captain ? 校尉?
This is an enormous responsibility, General. 这是重要的职位啊,将军
Perhaps a soldier with more experience. 应该找有经验的…
Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of training techniques, 全班第一名、熟知战术兵法
and impressive military lineage. 优良军事家庭出身

l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job. 我相信李翔不会让我失望
Oh, l will. l won't let you down. This is-- l mean-- 放心,我不会让你失望 这真是,我是说…
Yes, sir. - Very good then. 遵命 好极了
We'll toast China's victory at the lmperial City. 战胜后会在京城庆功
l'll expect a full report in three weeks. 三个礼拜后给我报告
And l won't leave anything out. 我的报告会很详尽

Captain Li Shang. 李翔校尉
Hmm. Leader of China's finest troops. 统领中原最好的军队
No. The greatest troops of all time.不,是有史以来最棒的军队

Soldiers ! 弟兄们
He started it ! 是他惹起的…

l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp. 别在我的军营惹麻烦
Sorry. Uh-- 对不起
l mean, uh, sorry you had to see that. 我是说抱歉,给你制造麻烦
But you know how it is when you get those manly urges and you just gotta kill somethin'. 不过你也知道男人就是这样 ]行动起来 非得动手打架不可
fix things, cook outdoors-- 修理东西啦!出出气啦!
What's your name ? - 你叫什么名字? 我…
Your commanding officer just asked you a question. 校尉在问你话呢
Uh, l've got a name. Ha ! And it's a boy's name too. 我有名字啊 而且很具男子气概

Ling. How 'bout Ling ? - His name is Ling. 阿宁,好不好?他才叫阿宁
l didn't ask for his name. l asked for yours ! 我不是问他 我问的是你的名字
Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu. - Ah Chu. 就叫…哈啾
Ah Chu ? - Gesundheit. Ha, ha. l kill myself. 哈啾 哈啾?保重身体啊!我真坏
Mushu. - Mushu ? 木须
No. - Then what is it ? 木须? 不 那到底叫什么?
Ping was my best friend growin' up. - lt's Ping. 叫平,平是我的好友 是花平
Ping ? - Of course, Ping did steal my-- 花平? 不过平抢走我女友
Yes, my name is Ping. 是我,我叫花平

Let me see your conscription notice. 把徵召令拿给我看
Fa Zhou ? The Fa Zhou ? - l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son. 花弧,有名的花弧? 花弧几时有这么大的儿子?
Um, he doesn't talk about me much. 我爹很少提起我