第 54 课:the working day 工作日 - 1

A: what's your working day like?

B; I have a typical 9 to 5 job. Actually, I work a little longer than 9 to 5 most days.

A; do you get paid ovetime?

B: no, I don't. I get a bonus each month, depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients.

A: do you have any breaks?

B; we have an hour-long lunch break form 12 to 1. we can take coffee breaks during the day. My boss doesn't mind, as long as we get out work done on time.

A: my boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks. I suppose your job involves a lot paperwork, doesn't it?

B; there's some paperwork, but most of the time we put any information onto computers. Then we can send information to each other by email or across the network. Do you work in a cubicle?

A: yes, I do. I don't like it very much.

B; I work in a cubicle too, but I I don't mind it.