第 85 课:Plants 植物 - 2

A: I watched a very interesting documentary about plants yesterday evening. It was called “unusual plants” and looked at several species of plants from around the world which have unusual features.

B: really? Tell me about some of the plants they showed.

A: well. There was one type of plant that catches insects and eats them.

B; is that type of plant found in this country?

A; no, it isn't. it's a pity, because I'd like to see it in action.

B; so would I. what other unusual plants did they show?

A: they showed flowers that only provide their nectar to one type of butterfly or bee. The insect has to be the exact size to get the nectar. Other insects cannot get it. Of course, when the insect collects the nectar, it also takes some pollen from one flower to another.

B: that's very specialized. So, the insects and the flowers rely on each other. If one became extinct, the other would too.

A: that's right. That's one reason why it's so important to protect every species.

B: I see. The plants that fascinate me most are cacti. I find it amazing that they can survive in such dry desert conditions.

A: according to the documentary, they have an incredible ability to find water supplies, however small, and then store them without losing much through evaporation.

B: that's why they often have long roots to find water spines instead of leaves, to reduce water loss.