第 24 课:Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕.林肯

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. He was born in Kentucky in 1809.亚伯拉罕.林肯是美国第十六届总统。他于1809年出生在肯塔基州。

His family was very poor. When Lincoln was a boy, he worked on his family's farm.他家里非常穷。当林肯还是个小男孩时,他就在自家的农场里干活。

He did not go to school. He taught himself to read and write. Later, Lincoln studied law and became a lawyer. After that, he became a politician.他没上学,靠自学学会了阅读与写作。后来,林肯学习了法律,成为了一名律师。此后,他又成为了一名政治家。

Everybody liked Abraham Lincoln because he was intelligent and hardworking. Lincoln was very ambitious.每个人都很喜欢林肯因为他很聪明,工作非常努力。林肯非常有抱负。

He wanted to be good at everything he did. He said that he wanted to win the “race of life.” 他希望做好每件事。他说他希望在“人生的赛跑”中获胜。

He was also kind and honest. People called him “Honest Abe.” 他还是一个和善、诚实的人。人们称他为“诚实的亚伯”。

Lincoln became president in 1860. In 1861, there was a war between the North and the South of the United States.1860年,林肯成为了美国总统。1861年,美国的南方和北方之间开战。

The North wanted the United States to stay together as one country. Lincoln was the leader of the North.北方希望美国统一。林肯是北方的首领。

In the war, brother killed brother. The Civil War was four years long.在战争中,兄弟互相残杀。内战持续了四年。

The North won the Civil War. The war ended on April 9, 1865.北方赢得了内战。战争于1865年4月9日结束。

Six days later, President Lincoln and his wife went to the theater. Inside the theater, a man went behind the president and shot him in the head. Lincoln died the next morning. 六天后,林肯总统和妻子一起去看戏。在戏院里,一个人走在总统后面,朝他的头部射击。第二天林肯去世了。