第 38 课:Life in the Army 军营生活

Sam and Jack often talk about their days in the army. It was a hard life.萨姆和杰克经常谈论他们在军队里的时光。那段生活很苦。

The men had to get up early in the morning and do a lot of physical labour.清晨,他们必须早早地起床,并要做很多体力劳动;

They had to learn how to use a gun, and they had to march at least ten miles a day.他们必须学习如何使用枪,并且每天至少行军十英里;

There wasn't much entertainment; they had to do without television or radio. The only form of recreation they had was sports.那里娱乐活动很少,他们不得不过着没有电视或收音机的生活。唯一的消遣方式是体育运动。

They only made about $40 a month, so they didn't have to worry about where to spend their money.他们一个月仅收入40美元,因此也不用考虑把钱花在什么地方。

Fortunately, they didn't have to pay any bills since the army paid their expenses.幸运的是,他们不必支付任何账单,因为军队为其开支付费。

And they didn't have to do their own cooking; the army took care of that, too.而且不用自己做饭,军队也管饭。

In fact, the army took care of everything. The men never had to plan what they were going to do each day since the army did it for them.事实上,军队料理每一件事。军人们从不用计划每天该做什么,因为军队为他们计划好了。

They had very little freedom in the beginning, but after the first six weeks the situation started to improve.开始他们的自由很少,但是六周以后,情况有所改善。

The men didn't have to stay at the base all the time. They could go out on the weekends and see their girlfriends — something Sam and Jack did as often as possible.他们不必时时刻刻呆在基地,周末可以外出和探访女友——萨姆和杰克尽可能经常得到这样的机会。

Jack didn't like being in the army since he didn't like taking orders. But Sam never complained. 因为不愿意被人指挥,杰克不喜欢军营生活。但萨姆从不抱怨。

He thought being in the army was a good experience, and that every man should serve his country. 他认为在军营中的生活是美好的一段经历,而且人人都应该为自己的国家服务。