第 65 课:Don't Forget to Remember! 不要忘了记忆 !

Read the following sets of numbers. It shouldn't take you more than about ten seconds. 876935290143841986405 读一下下面几个数字。你只需要不超过10秒钟的时间。876935290143841986405

Believe it or not, there are people who can read these numbers as quick as a flash and remember them for the rest of their lives. 不管你信不信,有人可以飞快地看一下这些数字,并记住它们终身不忘。

They have 'photographic' memories that can see something and store it in their minds forever — like a camera captures something forever on film. 他们有照相机般的记忆力,将他们看到的东西永远储存在头脑中——就象照相机把捕捉到的图像永久地留在胶卷上一样。

Scientists think that about one person in 5000 has this remarkable power to remember.科学家认为大约每五千人中就有一个人拥有如此惊人的记忆力。

A 23-year-old American university student made her mark by being able to read poems in foreign languages she had never studied. 一个二十三岁的美国大学生因其能够读出她从来没有学过的外语诗歌而声名大噪。

She could also recite the poems later without any help. 她还可以稍后在没有任何帮助的情况下背诵这些诗。

She explained that she could 'see' the pages in her mind. To prove this, she could even say the poems backwards. 她解释说她可以在脑子里看到一页一页的诗。为了证明这一点,她甚至可以把诗歌倒着读出来。

After months of experiments with the girl, two scientists prepared a special test. 两位科学家以这个女孩为对象进行了数月的研究,他们准备进行一项特别的测试。

They made a huge 'chessboard' with 10,000 black and white squares put down in a haphazard fashion. 他们制作了一个巨大的“棋盘”,上面不规则地摆放了一万个黑白方块。

The girl studied the giant board for only a few minutes. Months later, she could still describe the position of all the squares perfectly! 这个女孩只花了几分钟研究这个巨大的棋盘。几个月后,她仍旧可以准确无误地描述出所有方块的位置!