In the last 20 years, the productivity of the computer has increased over 1,000%. 在过去二十年里,电脑生产率的增长超过百分之一千。
With this kind of technological advance, the possibility of storing more and more information at a central point is growing at a phenomenal rate. 在这种技术进步的条件下,把越来越多的信息储存在一个中心点的技术已经获得了惊人的发展,
But so is the possibility of gaining access to the stored information. And that raises serious questions regarding personal privacy. 同样,访问这些已经储存起来的信息的技术也突飞猛进。这就引出了有关个人隐私的严重问题。
For some time now, there has been a growing effort in many European countries to preserve the individual's privacy in the face of expanding requirements for information by business, government and other organizations. 面对商业、政府和其他组织不断膨胀的对信息的要求,有段时间以来,在许多欧洲国家有一股不断增长的要求保护个人隐私的努力。
In some countries, legislation has been enacted to protect the individual's privacy. 在一些国家,已经立法来保护个人隐私。在其他国家里,这个问题还正在研究中。
In others, it is under study. In searching for appropriate legislative guidelines, private and governmental groups have explored many avenues and considered many aspects of the problem.为了寻找合适的立法指导方针,民间和政府团体系统地研究了许多途径,考虑了这个问题的许多方面。
Solutions must be found. And they will call for patient understanding and the best efforts of everyone concerned. 解决方案必须找到,但这需要人们的宽容和理解,有关的每个人都要尽其最大的努力。