第 10 课

In fact, Tianamen square in Beijing is a very western idea 北京天安门广场引自洋派观念
created by the founders of the People's Republic for mass rallies and military reviews. 由中共建国者 为大型集会和阅兵而建

The Tang dynasty capital of Chang'an, today called Xian, 唐朝首都长安,今称西安
was built following many of these ancient concepts. 则根据许多古老观念而建构
This fabulous city was destroyed, 此传奇城市不再
but from surviving rammed-earth foundations and literary records, 但根据残留的地基和文献资料
Dr. Heng Chye Kiang and his team at the National University of Singapore 新加坡国立大学的王才强博士及研究伙伴
have been able to reconstruct what, in the early 8th century was the largest and most cosmopolitan city in the world.得以重建出8世纪初 全球最大都会的面貌

Over the last 5 years, we at the National University of Singapore, together with the students here, 过去5年来新加坡国立大学的研究伙伴和学生们
we have been working on the re-construction of Tang period Chang'an, that is Chang'an, 努力重建唐朝的长安
the capital of China between 61 8 and 907 AD.'' 也就是西元618年到907年间的 中国首都

Very little of the city exists today, except for a couple of pagodas. 除几座佛塔外 长安现存的遗迹不多
The rest of it is basically one to three meters below the current city.'' 其馀多已埋在地底1到3公尺深
We depended on stone rubbings from the period translated into line drawings, 我们研究当时的石碑拓本 将其改绘成平面图
we also looked at paintings and murals from the Dunhuang caves, 并根据敦煌石窟的画与壁画
and depended on archaeological reports 和考古研究报告
such as this and this. 比如这个,还有这个
And we also consulted texts, early texts from the period.'' 以及当时的文献资料 来以重建

During the Tang dynasty, Chang'an's careful planning clearly reflected the gridiron layouts of earlier Chinese imperial cities. 唐朝长安采用 中国早期国都的棋盘式规划
Its plan was widely copied for many other capital cities in East Asia, including Nara in Japan. 东亚许多首都也仿而效之 包括日本的奈良

Measuring 84 square kilometers, 长安面积84平方公里
the city was large even by modern standards. 以现代标准来看也很大
About the size of New York City. 约和纽约市一样大
At its peak, over a million people lived within its massive walls. 在其高峰期城墙内住有1百万居民

The city was strictly divided into separate districts containing palaces, government bureaus, markets, and residential wards 市区严格划分为皇居,政府 市场和住宅等区域
Urban life and activities were strictly limited. 市区生活与活动受到严格限制

Citizens lived in walled compounds, 市民住在有围墙的大宅院中 受到严密监控
and they were subject to strict supervision.