第 7 课

These rules controlled siting, ground plan, decoration, and even color. 风水决定建筑地点,平面图 装饰,甚至色彩
Although steeped in ancient Chinese animistic religion, 神秘的风水原理似乎充满了中国古老的泛灵宗教观
most of these seemingly mystical rules have their origin in a few simple and practical facts about the climate of central China. 其实它源起于某些应对 中原气候的简单实用知识

China is situated in the temperate zone, with a southwest prevailing wind. 中国地处温带多吹东南盛行风
By orienting buildings to the south or southeast, 朝南或朝东南的房子
the Chinese take advantage of the warmth winds and sunshine from the south to provide people living in halls and courtyards with a pleasant micro-climate. 可藉东南方的暖风和阳光 使厅堂或庭院通风宜人

Not only buildings faced south but also cities, palaces and tombs. 不单房屋朝南 城市,宫殿,坟墓均朝南而坐

Ancient Chinese shamans found the directions with the aid of a sinan: 古中国道士用“司南” 辨别方向
history's first magnetic compass. 司南是史上第一个磁性罗盘
The pointer, shaped like a spoon, was made out of magnetic lodestone. 形状如杓的指针 是用天然磁石制成
It sits within a circle to represent heaven, and on a square plate representing earth. 圆圈代表天,方盘代表地

This spoon always points south, 杓永远指向南方
and represents the great bear, or big dipper. 杓代表大熊星座 又称北斗七星
The big dipper had special meaning because it always points to the north star -北斗七星因指向北极星而意义特殊
the emperor was considered to be the earthly counterpart of this star. 皇帝相当于人间的北极星

The sinan compass evolved into this classic feng shui compass, 司南演变为这个风水 专用的罗盘
with a needle to point direction. 用一根针指引方向
Diviners would use it with ancient rules set down in books like these 风水师根据这类书上的 古代法则
to orient tombs and buildings. 决定阳宅或阴宅方位

Each direction had deep symbolic meaning, 每个方向都有其象征意义
and is associated with a color and a symbolic animal. 各有其代表色和象征动物

South was the direction of the Red Phoenix, the fire bird and the summer sun. 南方是朱雀和夏阳的方向
South-facing city gates and entrances were named after this mythical bird. 南向的城门皆以 这种神秘鸟类命名
From the west came the white tiger and autumn, the death of summer, and where the sun sets at the day's end. 白虎与秋的西方 是夏凋和日落的方向

White thus became the color worn for mourning the deceased in China. 白色后来成为中国吊丧的颜色
East is the home of the green sea dragon, 东方是苍龙的居所
whence comes rain, indispensable for life, growth and prosperity. 来自东方的雨 是生生不息的要素

North is the home of the black tortoise, 北方是灵龟玄武的方向
symbol of winter, night, and the death of sunlight, 代表冬,夜,阳光之死
cold wind from the desert and invading nomadic hordes. 大漠寒风和不时进犯的 北方部族