陶瓷之谜第 11 课 Although soon after its invention porcelain was highly prized, 虽然一问世便被视为珍奇异宝
but 500 years glazed stoneware still held its place as the most prestigious of Chinese ceramics. 但瓷器问世后的5百年间 釉陶仍是中国陶瓷的极品
The most famous, most sophisticated wares of China 中国最著名,最精致的陶瓷
were produced in and around the ancient capital of Kaifeng, 均出自古都开封附近
today a sleepy industrial town. 今日的开封 已成了寂静的工业小镇
It is hard to believe that from the 1 0th to 13th centuries, 我们很难相信在10到13世纪间
just about when the black death was ravaging Europe, 于黑死病肆虐欧洲的同时
this city wall enclosed the largest and most vibrant metropolis in the world. 这座城墙内是世上规模最大 生气莲勃的大都会
The scholar-officials of this Northern Song period were great connoisseurs of antiques and ceramics,and became investors in and patrons of many kilns. 北宋文官都是顶尖的 古董陶瓷监赏家也赞助或投资设立多处民窑
The emperor Huizong brought these distinguished artistic tastes to the dragon throne in Kaifeng, in the year 1 1 00. 公元1100年 徽宗将这股不凡的艺术品味带进南都开封
Here at his palace, he amassed a legendary collection of art treasures from every corner of his realm. 他的宫中珍藏着无数艺术瑰宝 都是从国内各地网罗而来
When it became known that Huizong wanted to commission a new imperial ware,
the famous kiln masters around Kaifeng all headed to the capital with samples of their finest work to compete for the emperor's favor. 百姓得知徽宗有意 成立新的官窑时,开封附近知名的陶匠 都带着自己的精心杰作进京竞相希望能博得皇上的青睐
One of those presented was the ivory-glazed ding ware. 象牙白的定窑白瓷 便是其中之一
This is a piece of Song Dynasty Ding ware. 这就是宋朝的定窑白瓷
It's a dish with molded decoration, 盘子的胎体有模印纹饰
and the most obvious thing about this dish is that it has a copper rim. 最特殊的一点是,盘沿包铜
The reason it has a copper rim is because 铜缘的制作原因在于
after the piece was made and glazed, the glaze was wiped away from the rim,胎体成型上釉后 将边缘的釉擦掉
the whole piece was turned upside down... 并将作品倒置
and placed in a special saggar - which is a container to protect pieces 放进特殊的匣钵内重烧
from kiln grit and dirt during the firing. 匣钵是烧制时避免釉面黏附 窑沙或灰尘的火泥箱
And when it was resting on its rim, 倒置的胎体放在匣钵内
this position actually gave the piece more support in firing, 烧制时支撑力较强
and reduced the likelihood of it warping. 并降低了变形的机率
After the firing, of course the rim would be quite rough because there's no glaze. 但烧制后露胎的边缘 自然会相当粗糙
These white wares were made specifically for the Imperial Court, 定窑白瓷原是宫廷专用
until later in the Song the Emperor rejected these white wares in favour of some of the other exquisite wares of the Song - known as the 5 great wares of the Song: 直到后来宋代皇帝别有所爱 转而锺情于五大名窑
such as ru, jun, guan and ge. 比如汝,钧,官,哥等各窑精品